Safe load indicators

Features & Benefits

1. State Of the Art Micro Controller Design.

2. Display system: Two Line Alpha Numeric, Display shows rated load, Hook Load, Boom Length, Radius & Boom Angle.

3. B.A.L.D : Boom Length & Angle Detection: it is pre calibrated & Measures Length & Angles (MEMS Chips Technologies) It is a combination of two transducers in a single unit.

4. A2B Limit Switch : Unique, high Quality ergonomic design, Water Proof, Non corrosive Ball joint technology. Dual contact and dual Switch.

5. Tension Meter: High Quality, Reliable & durable :- eliminates 3 pully system of dynamometer and gives you wear & tear free mechanism . No risk of Rope damage. High accuracy

6. Multi Hook Calibration

7. Selective Duty code.

8. Warms the operator of any type of over limits such as hook over hoist, over load etc.

9. Hydraulic cut off

10. System is user friendly and simple.

Our Smart Series of Safe Load Indicator ensure safe Operation in all Conditions.